Vean la versión en español en la página 2.
Who can create a profile on Femnoise? |
Can have a profile within our platform to enjoy all the features, women, transgender and non binary people who are active in the music industry ecosystem. From anywhere in the world and over 16 years old. We are not only talking about music creators, we welcome all those people who work in something related, from journalists, photographers, visualizers, sound technicians, instrumentalists, stage managers, bookers, etc. We want them all to add up! |
I am not a professional in the music industry, but I want to learn certain skills that are on the platform. Can I participate in the application? |
Of course, this is the most important part for us, to motivate more and more women, trans and non binary people to join the music ecosystem. You can easily create your profile and identify yourself as a “student”. |
Can men be part of the platform? |
Of course, music and knowledge is and should be for everyone. Now, they will be able to create a profile, take and attend the available courses, but they will not appear on the map, nor will they be able to become instructors. But they will be able to learn from the knowledge and skills of many talented women, transgender and non-binary people around the world |
How do I create a profile of Femnoise? |
Easy. You create your profile, complete all the information requested, remember to be as descriptive as possible. And choose whether or not you want to join the map, by joining the map you will be helping to make visible the fact that there are many of us around the world trying to achieve our dreams in music. |
Can I select several categories from my profile for the search engines (Map)? |
Yes, you can select how many categories encompass your main projects within the music ecosystem. Remember to be as precise as possible in order to generate a more efficient search engine and thus enhance your projects that interest you the most. We will update our options as you give us your feedback, you can write to |
How can people who enter the map contact me? |
The map allows us to quantify and geolocate all women, trans and non-binary people in the music industry environment. To find profiles, visitors or the users themselves only have to indicate the search filters they want, it can be by location, type of performance or activity within the industry. We will be adding instruments that they use, and other filters that can make it easier for them to get to your work. Those who are users of the application can contact you by private message, and those who see you from outside the community can contact you from your projects that they can see in the profile. |
What if I can’t find a category to register in that fits my profile? |
We wanted to create as many categories as possible, but we can always miss one. Try to review the categories well, if none of them match, you can write to and our team will try to help you. |
Can I report a profile that does not comply with the application’s usage policies? |
Absolutely, it is very important that we build a better application together. If you detect any abnormal use of the application, false profiles, profiles that do not correspond to the gender identity that we encompass, you can report it through our support email: |
I’m a Man interested in the services of the platform, can I access them? |
Of course, you’re more than welcome. You can join the platform, create a profile and take any of the available courses. However, you will not appear on the map and you will not be able to create a course as an instructor. Your participation is essential to make the industry more inclusive! |
How can I access the courses offered by the platform? |
You can access free, open and paid courses offered by other users around the world. All you need to do is create a profile and identify yourself in the area of music that most represents you. |
How long and how many times will I be able to access the course? |
When you register for a course, that course is for life, you can access it as many times as you need. This, until the instructor wants to keep the course active, and be aware that they will surely update it regularly. |
Can I contact the instructor to check my progress? |
The platform allows us to add the instructor to “my connections”, and to be able to send her private messages. But at the same time each course can create a forum where you are automatically included when you sign up. So you will have many channels to participate in. |
Can I ask for a refund because a course does not meet the promised quality and standards? |
Of course, you have 15 days to request a refund. For any request, write to us at |
How can I pay for my course? |
You have two payment methods, through a PayPal account or through a debit or credit card. |
Is it safe to enter my data for the purchase? |
Our beloved developers at ThoughtWorks have taken special care in all safety details of the platform. Our site does not store any of your banking details. |
How can I become an instructor at Femnoise? |
When you create your user on the platform, you must unfold your user menu and you will see a section that indicates “become an instructor”. Your profile will automatically be activated as an instructor and you will be able to upload courses without any problem. Each course is reviewed by our team before it is published to ensure that it meets the necessary conditions to be offered. You have a number of tips in this course below: How to become a Femnøise instructor |
How do I receive payment for my courses sold on the platform? |
When creating your instructor profile, we ask you as a requirement to have or create a PayPal account, once passed 30 days after each sale, the platform will manage payments directly to your account. |
How can I keep track of my sales? |
Our platform is specially designed to be able to keep track of each of your sales and payments online. You can get to know it in the course: How to become a Femnøise instructor |
I think I can complement my course by adding new content that has come up along the way. Is it possible to edit it once it has been created? |
Of course, as long as changes are for the better, they are always welcome! In your dashboard you can access to edit each of the courses and tips you have elaborated, even if they are already on sale. |

Encourage yourself to contribute to the community and help fight the gender gap
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