Gender Gap / Brecha de Genero
The impact of gender inequality in the music industry is often discussed, but the solutions are rarely addressed. At Femnoise we want to provide solutions, and these are some of the keys that we find fundamental. Do you want to provide new ones?
El impacto de la desigualdad de género en la industria musical se discute a menudo, pero rara vez se abordan las soluciones. En Femnoise queremos aportar soluciones, y estas son algunas claves que encontramos fundamentales. ¿Quieres aportar nuevas?, participa de este grupo.
what can we do?
what can we do?
Hi all, I like the idea behind the group, but unfortunately there’s not so much going on here (at least it looks like)
And this is my first idea about this topic: Women, non-binary people….must learn to connect. I have made one experience in networking over and over again: in groups with a high male share there is much more activity going on. This might be because there have always been male networks: on universities, in business general, in politics. They help each other much more, they connect and build networks. Since I’m a feminist by heart, I have tried to connect with other women and female identified persons many times, but I always made the same experience: We are just not GOOD in it. Please don’t get me wrong, I don’t say that we don’t have it in us, but I say we have not as much training as men do. That sounds rude and I don’t want to sound rude but it’s what it looks like for me. When I was small there were those old tales like Cinderella and did you ever notice that women in those tales never helped each other? They were always enemies, jealous and mean. Just one very pretty is not and since she was everything a woman should be (pretty and kind) she won the price which was being chosen by the prince and what else could a girl want? ***puke**** And I think deep inside we still have that mindset of not-connecting. The only way out of that is: Practice, practice, practice. That means: Connecting more and care for those relationships which bring us further.
Here is another thing I do for visablity and I could really need help with it: Whenever I visit a site of a manufacturer of equipment for my music, the pictures on the sites show me men using the products. Usually boys or men as users who say how cool that plugin or that headphones are. Advertisement for studio speakers? Yeah, of course it must be a man. Because women…well, just don’t exist or are not interesting as customers. I started to write e-mails to my favourite vsti-devellopers or music-gear-producers but I’m afraid my e-mails might be the only ones they get for that reason. So here is my suggestion: Write that companies and let them know you are there! It’s not only men who buy their products and music-production is not a male topic.
This discussion was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by
Kati Mende.
This discussion was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by
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